Limbo- Try and go lower and lower under our limbo stick on skates! Without touching the poll or floor! ------------------------------------------------ Dice Game- Sit in one of the big circles numbered 1-6 on the floor as you and the floor guard roll the big dice! Last circle is the WINNER! ------------------------------------------------ Races- Race's for all ages! Boys 8 and under. Girls 8 and under. Boys 9, 10 , and 11. Girls 9, 10 , and 11. Boys and Men 12 and up. Girls and Ladies 12 and up. ------------------------------------------------ Pursuit Races- A race for the older kids, skate as fast as you can away from the pursuier if you get passed your out, if you are not caught you win! ------------------------------------------------ Number Game- sit on one of the small circles on the floor , and listen for your number to be called to win a prize! ------------------------------------------------
Skate town is a family/child friendly environment!